Automatic Operation - Software

The AO Suite features software tools that enable streamlined file preparation, fast and simple nesting, and custom feature design to power a seamless, user-friendly, and automated experience.

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AO Suite - Automated Print Prep interface on a Macbook
An icon showing a geared cog inside a circle, representing the ability to automate a process

Automatic Print Preparation

Free your team from desk-bound print prep workflows by using Automatic Print Preparation for maximum efficiency and precision.

  • Automatically upload print-ready parts at any time, day or night
  • Efficiently pack parts onto print platforms, keeping orders together for easier sorting
  • Automatically queue prints to eliminate downtime
  • Automate the performance of your best human technician for greater consistency and improved print success
AO Suite - AO Stack with a multi-tier print
An icon showing several lines and a square at an angle on top, as though they were sheets of paper stacked on each other.

AO Stack

Leverage AO Stack to boost your printer’s production after you walk away from it.

  • Print up to 3 builds of DPR 10 Models in a single print
  • Included in your existing Carbon subscription
  • Increase your lab’s production capacity without expanding your physical printer fleet, optimizing both space and resources.
AO Suite - No-Code Automation builder interface on a Macbook
An icon showing a software screen or user interface with a mouse cursor

No-Code Automation Builder

Build custom print recipes from a selection of applications, resins, and design features to quickly and simply meet your unique production needs.

  • Use your preferred file system and naming conventions
  • Build workflows that suit your lab’s needs and preferences
  • Monitor automated processes and easily track the progress of a case or file through the system