COVID-19 Update: A Letter to Our Partners and Customers

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To Our Partners and Customers,

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every single one of us. This is a challenging time for people and businesses around the globe. While many of us are feeling uncertainty in our lives, I have every confidence that we’ll rise up to the challenges this crisis presents and come out stronger on the other side.

The well-being, health, and safety of people remains our top priority. We are doing everything we can to keep our employees and communities safe while we continue to support our customers and do our part to help combat this pandemic.

As the world faces increasing medical supply shortages, additive manufacturing technologies can help meet critical production needs. And we’re here to step up and help in every way we can. If you need free help designing, engineering, or producing polymeric parts, please email

In regions impacted by COVID-19, we are currently restricting employee travel and work outside the home to mitigate potential exposure and slow the spread of the virus. Although onsite support will be limited and shipments may be delayed, our Technical Support team will still be available to provide remote help to all of our customers and partners. Please email for any needs that arise.

COVID-19 is impacting all aspects of our global economy, especially small to medium sized businesses, like Carbon. For the months of March and April, we are extending our payment terms by 30 days to all of our customers and partners that have 250 employees or less. We hope that this helps alleviate some of the financial pressure our customers and partners are feeling during these uncertain times.

This crisis—its scale and its severity—has taken us and the world by surprise. I’ve been so inspired by how our global community has come together in this challenging time to adapt, improvise, and innovate. From working together on healthcare solutions that can make a difference in our local communities to exercising more patience, compassion, and understanding, everyone is going over and above, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As the American novelist E. L. Doctorow famously said, “You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” We must take it day by day. Parts of Asia have turned a corner, but we do not know when the greatest risk will be behind all of us. We are closely monitoring information from government officials and health authorities and will keep you updated as the situation evolves.

We are truly grateful for your support and partnership during this time as we all face this unprecedented challenge together.

Ellen Kullman
Carbon President & CEO

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