Carbon, Inc.


Flame retardance, functional toughness, and long-term stability
Epx 86fr Cable Clip With Wires 3.jpg

Flame Retardance, Functional Toughness, and Long-term Stability

EPX 86FR is a flame-retardant resin with an unmatched combination of functional toughness, high strength, and long-term stability. It works well in a variety of applications for consumer, automotive and industrial markets that require UL 94 V-0 or FAR 25.853(a) ratings. EPX 86FR is BlueCard certified. When baked in an inert oven, the functional toughness and impact strength of EPX 86FR are significantly improved while still retaining other key performance metrics.

Example Applications

These applications combine a need for flame-retardance, functional toughness, and temperature endurance, in addition to isotropy, smooth surface finish, and accuracy.


Cable Clips

Cable clips for consumer electronics and automobiles require flame-retardance, toughness, stiffness, temperature resistance, accuracy, and occasionally chemical resistance.


High-Speed Data Connectors

This T2 connector for automobiles requires UL 94 V-0 rating, thermal endurance, chemical resistance, high accuracy and functional toughness.


Housings And Brackets

Demanding housings and brackets for electronics often requires flame-retardance, stiffness, temperature resistance, accuracy, and a great surface finish.

Introducing EPX 86FR

Join Ikpreet, a staff research scientist at Carbon, to learn about EPX 86FR, Carbon’s latest Dual-Cure photopolymer.

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