September 21, 2020

New Denture Software Automation Tool: Reduce Digital Denture Prep Time by 50%

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We at Carbon® create 3D printing technology that continues to improve over time and that empowers you to print parts reliably wherever they’re needed – 3D as it’s meant to be.

How? Through our regular software updates that upgrade printer functionalities (e.g., print speed, accuracy, etc.), you always have a state-of-the-art machine—a printer that gets better over time.

Our most recent software update (V1.27) includes a new automation tool for Lucitone Digital Print denture production that reduces manual preparation time by approximately 50%.

When producing a full build of Lucitone digital dentures (eight parts in total) on a Carbon M2 3D printer, approximately 30 minutes of manual preparation is involved to orient and support your parts (~4 minutes per part). This prep work is not only tedious, but also requires careful precision as poorly prepared parts can cause the entire build to fail.

With our automated prep tool, print technicians can focus on making great parts and let the computers orient, nest, and support them.* This update demonstrates reduced prep time by approximately 16 minutes per build. Therefore, if you produce four full builds per day, this update will save you approximately one hour in manual labor, allowing you to accelerate digital denture production and dedicate more time to working on new cases.

To experience this streamlined workflow, simply upload your digital denture STL files into the Carbon print UI, and your parts will be automatically nested, oriented, and supported. See the software tool in action below.

View the full demo of this new digital denture software automation tool here.

Interested in learning more about digital denture production with Carbon? Reach out to us at


3D as It’s Meant to Be


*The estimated success rate of parts with complete supports is 85%. In some cases, manual inspection and additional supports are required, which brings the average time savings to approximately 50%.