July 24, 2019

Kode With Klossy Partners With Carbon: Inspiring the Next Female Tech Leaders

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While women make up more than half of the U.S. workforce, their presence in the technology sector is less than 20 percent. Some factors responsible for this are the lack of access to both female mentors and opportunities to gain practical, hands-on experience in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) subjects. As technology continues to shape this world, it is crucial that, now, more than ever, women have a seat at the table. We at Carbon work to do our part in providing opportunities to enable women in tech—that’s why we were excited to collaborate with Kode With Klossy and host them at our HQ.


Over the past two weeks at Carbon HQ, we were honored to host Kode With Klossy: a free coding camp founded by Karlie Kloss for young women ages 13–18 years old. It is an in-person coding program that creates learning experiences and opportunities for young women to boost their confidence and teach them skills to pursue their passions in technology.

Kode With Klossy scholars during an exercise at the Carbon HQ in Redwood City.

The participants, known as ‘scholars,’ learned how to build real-life apps, regardless of their level of coding expertise. The custom curriculum included Kode With Klossy instructor trainings as well as a panel with CEO Dr. Joseph DeSimone and CMO Dara Treseder. Female Carbon leaders joined as guest speakers where they discussed their experience of being a woman working in STEAM related fields. In addition, the scholars got to meet members of the adidas Future team and learn how they are working on adidas’ new innovations, creative concepts, and exciting research projects to make athletes better and to enrich peoples’ lives.

A way to inspire scholars is to introduce them to more female engineers and women in technology. From personal experience, seeing role models like you plays a huge part in whether you go into that field or not.”
Priyanshi Nigam, Instructor Assistant, Kode With Klossy


By attending the camp at Carbon in the heart of Silicon Valley, Kode With Klossy scholars had the unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about emerging technologies like 3D printing and the potential they hold to shape our future.

A Carbon employee showing Kode With Klossy scholars a live print demonstration and teaching them about our technology.

At the camp’s beginning, the young women were asked, “If you could 3D print anything, what would it be?” Their responses were diverse, ranging from footwear, to feminine care products to solutions for the homelessness problem the Bay Area is experiencing. Many, however, didn’t know if their ideas were even possible to bring to life—that is, until they saw firsthand the capabilities Carbon offers through 3D printing.

Kode With Klossy scholars were able to see Carbon technology at work in our lab and check out adidas 4D midsoles—examining the intricate lattice structure created by our software-powered Lattice Engine. Through an interactive live print demo, they learned about our software-controlled materials, watched the printing process in real time, and received their very own, 3D-printed bracelet. Another plus? The bracelets were made from none other than the same material used for the adidas 4D lattice midsole!

Kode With Klossy scholars at the Carbon lab.

“By exposing the Kode With Klossy scholars to frontier technology like the Carbon Digital Manufacturing Platform and shining a light on our amazing female employees behind it, we are motivating young women to be our next generation of tech leaders—inspiring them to nurture interests that’ll help them shape the future.”

Dara Treseder CMO, Carbon

We had a wonderful time hosting the Kode With Klossy scholars and are proud to be a part of such an empowering, inspiring community for young women pursuing experiences and opportunities in STEAM.